Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chris Matthews Right Wing Tool?

I really try to like Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball, but he always slinks back into being a republican tool.

He really should rename his show Blowhard-ball as he pitches the softest of balls to hard right creeps. It took Chris forever to finally admit that W was as horrible a leader as he was. Chris kept pitching those softballs never the less. Chris is an ass kisser and just as queer for Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan: the same man who named names and sucked McCarthy dick during one of our nation's most shameful eras.

Reagan who could never pronounce the word AIDS, while gays, iv drug users and hemophiliacs were dropping like flies, until shamed by Elizabeth Taylor. Reagan the man that ripped the solar panels off he White house that the visionary Jimmy Carter had installed. Reagan who ushered in the 80's age of corporate greed while closing half way houses and releasing thousands of mentally ill people into the streets, most of whom got off medications and became a tragic part of urban street color. This was especially true in New York City which became a bit of a lunatic asylum. Mayor Ed Koch had forcibly picked up mentally ill homeless people from the streets, park benches, Penn Station, Grand Central Station and Port Authority where many squatted.

So Chris Mathews is an ass kisser. The kind of guy who plays it all safe and knows how to keep a fire burning while dragging out and giving more than plenty of air time to right wing nuts. Chris does not have to worry, he's rich, well paid and has the best health care that any right wing tool can buy. The rest of poor Americans can simply eat cake and die of poor health care.


  1. Hey there Razoretta,

    I concur with you on alot of things, I too have noticed the change in Matthews. last year he was in prez. Obama's corner, however he has become so critical lately. He fits right in with Lunatic Beck, LimpBalls Limbaugh, Lipstick Caribou-Eating Piglet Palin,Cabbage-Patch Face Hannity, Michael Savage-Boy Savage,Couchie-Face Coulter,Joyce Cough-Dick Kaufman,Michael Yessa- Massa-Uncle-Tom Steele, judge BlackBoy-Uncle-Tom Clarence etc.etc.
    Matthews need to switch newtorks and join Faux Noise! the only shows that I watch on MSNBC are Keith, Rachel, Ed & Alex on the weekends.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, its Barackie...I posted above google assigned me that long ridiculous name...but its me.

    Peace & Love.

  4. thanks for all the great feedback I'm just so over the BSQ

    Love ya,
    Miss Rae
