Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MSNBC Hihest Viewers are Young, Fox Viewers: Half Passed Dead

MSNBC rates highest in cable news polls in age groups 18-34 years old . Fox News rates higher in the 35 to near death demographic meaning Fox has the dying breed of viewers. It also has the racists, gun freaks and tin foil headed conspiracy theory nuts. Check out http://www.outfoxed.org/


Friday, August 21, 2009

Chuck Todd MSNBC is a Conservative, Ass lick'n Douchebag.

Current mood: annoyed
Category: News and Politics
Chuck Todd is a Conservative, Ass lick'n Douchebag.

He was on Bill Mahr tonight and he sucks! He's all afraid of investigating Bush and Blackwater war crimes because "Why open up a can of worms and why not let by-gones be bygones! Nothing would ever get done in government if we investigated and persecuted these disparaging acts" He said something as such to Jeremy Scahill. Jeremy Scahill rocks! Jeremy Scahill should be doing Chuck re-Todd's job! Then we get authentic journalism. But no, Chuck Todd is paid to be a middle of the road, ass licking pundit whore boy.



Chuck's a little brown-nosing ass-licker who groveled his way up press ladder by being so "Safe" and "Middle of the Road"

Jeremy Schill is a real hero for calling the real shit out and having actual balls unlike that tepid, drippy douche-"lousy, self proclaimed journalist" Chuck Todd!

I Love The Ed Show 6pm on MSNBC

Ed Schultz is one of my favorite journalist. He calls all the conservative and GOP Douchebags out on their lies, hypocrisy and terror tactics.He's also got a radio show but please support Ed and check out what he has to say!


Ms. Rae

Monday, August 17, 2009

What Do People Mean When They Say "I Want My Country Back"

What Do People Mean When They Say "I Want My Country Back"

There is a buzz phrase coming from tea baggers, birthers, deathers and right wing people who are raising a ruckus at Town Halls dealing with President OBama's Health Care Reform. I will now translate what people mean when they say "I want my country back".

"I Want My Country Back" means:

1) All immigrants from Mexico, Latin America, Central American Countries, Asian countries should be deported immediately!

2) Black people can remain athletes and musical entertainers. They cannot be presidents or in any position of political power. Once that they are done playing their professional sports and entertaining us with music and dancing, they must go home to their neighborhoods and not return to all white places until they come to clean, cook, entertain or play sports.

3) Black entertainers can only perform jazz, blues, pop and easy listening R & B, Motown hits and early 70's R&B. Hip Hop will be banned.

4) All none English speaking people should be placed in language assimilation camps until they speak English.

5) All movies, television and Broadway shows should have 99% Caucasian casts and White Christian American themes. Black and of color people should be reserved for token roles that reinforce racial and ethnic stereotypes. Caricatured blacks, Asians and other minorities should be encouraged in all movies, television and Broadway shows.

6) Gay people must go back into their closets or else be sent to assimilation camps to be reprogrammed back into white, Christian, heterosexual society.

7) All Gay, Lesbian and transgender people who have children will have their children placed in new foster homes of proper white, fundamentalist Christian familes. Children of mixed races will be appropriately placed in fundamentalist Christian homes of their none white heritage race.

8) Racial profiling will be made legal and encouraged.

9) Hate crimes laws will be reversed.

10) Gay bashing, non Christian grave and temple desecration and lynching will be made legal and encouraged.

11) Politically correct terms will be made illegal. Offensive Racial and sexual epithets will be encouraged.

12) Anti Semitism will be encouraged and made legal.

13) Abortion will be made illegal except for wealthy women who can discretely arrange them with their private physicians for a "DnC" meaning dusting and cleaning. DnC's will be paid for by top insurance companies. DnC is a code word for abortion rights for privileged white women. Poor women can arrange back alley abortions at their own risks. However if they are discovered they and their abortionists will be sentenced to immediate execution.

14) Racial segregation will become a new law. White children will get better educations in general, especially if they are wealthy. Middleclass white students will receive mediocre educations with no art history, music clubs or classes. Poor whites will receive little education and be sent to work by age 12. Creationism will be the only history and science allowed to be taught in schools.The newest and best books will be available in order of income to white children.

15) Child labor laws will be revered. Poor children will be encouraged to work at their earliest possible age with no legalized work shifts.

16) Women and African Americans will lose voter rights.

17) Women's salaries will be reversed to pre 1973 inequality. Girls will be taught in the virtues of being home makers.

18) Non white members of the Supreme Court and female justices will be fired and replaced by white evangelical Christian male justices.

19) America will then be back to the country that all tea baggers, birthers, deathers, white Christian conservatives and right wingnuts want. These are the people that hate President OBama's election. For such people it simply feels wrong to have a black man in the white house, they cannot wrap their head's around the concept of a black man who is educated.

Even though American once belonged to Native American Indians, the America that most uneducated white Christian Conservatives want back is a White Evangelical Christian America. Can they "have their country back"? Thank God this will be very unlikely as American will continue to evolve as a nation of freedom of speech, religious freedom and a land where human rights will prevail. In 2042 Caucasian people will become a minority, however American will become a nation of multi-cultural and multiracial people.

Educated Americans will continue to fight for the greater humanitarian good of our country. At the end of the day America will continue to grow as a wonderful country based upon inclusion and equality. One day we will look back at these town halls and the disruptive, misinformed people "who want their country back". They are the shameful remnants of an America that was once was unenlightened about racial, religious and gender equality.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ben Stein: Ultimate Right Wing Schmuck like Dennis Miller

NEW YORK – Monotone TV personality Ben Stein has been stripped of his Sunday New York Times business column because of his work as a pitchman for a credit monitoring company.

New York Times spokeswoman Catherine Mathis released a statement Friday that said the newspaper decided it would not be appropriate for Stein to pitch for FreeScore.com while writing his column.

An e-mail requesting comment from the former host of Comedy Central's "Win Ben Stein's Money" quiz show was not immediately returned.

Earlier this year, Stein withdrew as the University of Vermont's commencement speaker over complaints about his critical views of evolution in favor of intelligent design.

Stein famously played the part of a monotone economics teacher in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

Ben Stein seems to be suffering from internal anti-semitism. Smart as he may seem, he typifies 1980's retrogression into 1950's McCarthy era "Let me pretend, I'm not Jewish and act all Republican". He was funny for a moment on "Win Ben Stein's Money" and then watching him on other political shows I was horrified to learn what a scumbucket he is. Ben Stein is right up there with the smarmy and scummy as all hell, Dennis Miller: right wing suck ass boy "comic". Dennis Miller was always a creepy fucker and I guess we all now know why.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Michelle Bernard, Ron Christie, Contessa Brewer Right Wing Tool Ho's

Michelle Bernard, Ron Christie, Contessa Brewer Right Wing Tool Ho's

There's a certain mentality that once claimed speaking out against the horrendous George W. Bush Administration was taboo. The above named "journalists" and Republican adviser Christie will do Anything to undermine President OBama and promote the right wing agenda. These hacks relish in the ways that they can ever so subtly drag down anything this new administration does right. This also includes anything that previous Democratic Presidents do right.

Bernard is a joke with her Independent Women's Forum and Independent Women's Voice. Michelle Bernard is basically promoting the right wing agenda while cloaking herself as an independent. Michelle Bernard is the supreme house Negress of the right. Think of her as a subtler voice echoing Rush Limbaugh's" I hope OBama fails" Michelle though beautiful is a walking, white oleander tea bagging internal xenophobe. She made it and apparently thinks if she keeps talking the talk she'll wake up white upper crust!

The real issue here is that the major media outlets are owned by corporations who do not have progressive agendas. This means their job is to fuck over human rights, good health care and education and opportunity for the average American and the poor Americans. Their job is to turn America into a third world country where there exists only filthy rich and very poor. Their jobs are to see to it that the very rich get the best health care, education and opportunities and privileges. Their job is to keep average Americans ignorant, fearful and disenfranchised.

The right wing media is designed to promote and further the causes of big corporations and the GOP agenda. They are married to insurance companies, so you will not hear anything good about President OBama's health care reform. You will ultimately not hear anything that promotes the real quality of life for average Americans and especially the poor.

Mrs. Allen Greenspan:Andrea Mitchell, Contessa Brewer, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brezinski, Alex Witt, Michelle Bernard, Contessa Brewer, Melissa Francis and Chris Matthews are all here to degrade the positive things that President Obama does. Their job is to look pretty, promote the negativity towards President OBama's Change and help the GOP spokesperson: Rush Limbaugh's wish come true. They do this by attaching unfair and unreasonable expectations upon President OBama and are ready to push him and his administration off a cliff any chance they get. These "journalists" gave Bush a soft and easy ride and practically blew him with every promotional twist until W was such an International embarrassment that they could no longer prop up.

Also these"journalists" have also done their share to downgrade the recent victory of President Bill Clinton and how his diplomacy freed journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling from North Korea. The above named "journalists" are complete and utter whores for the right. If a person is truly progressive or heaven forbid a Democrat these scumbags will figure out a way to do their master's bidding by repeating Republican talking points, sensationalizing and replaying anti- Democratic and anti-OBama right talking points.

Plain and simple just tune into these media whores. watch and listen, you'll get the feeling that some one's getting a big Christmas bonus for being the Do-boys and the Do-girls for corporate greed bags and GOP scum buckets. Being a "journalist" umm I mean news actress-actor is a Dirty Mutha-Fukk'n job that takes a real Ho to do!
