Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Michael Jackson's"This is It" Reanimates his Exploited Corpse

Michael Jackson's "This is It" Reanimates a corpse with an exploitative family, emotional problems and Hello a drug problem.

Of course they are now claiming that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide but let's get real. Michael Jackson was very maladjusted. His obsession with children though Peter Pan-like was dubious. When a person possesses a great deal of wealth and personal power people around them rely upon their money. In many cases the sycophants around the sacrificial cash cow, turn a blind eye to things like possible child molestation and drug abuse.

Though Michael Jackson was allegedly found innocent the second time around his molestation charge issues, the jury members spoke out afterward that they were not sure that he indeed did not molest the child. They did claim that the case in the trial was too weak to prove a solid verdict. Secondly some members were absolutely convinced that he did molest the boy while the case was too disheveled to form a conviction. The trial was a bizarre media circus. One faithful, if not delusional fan released doves because she could not cope with her idol maybe, possibly, being a child molester. child molesters are sick, but in America reality is not always a popular concept. When you have a lot of money, you can spin a situation anyway that you wish. And Michael was big on living his life upon wish-craft, never-never land, whimsical childlike let's pretend. Incidentally child molesters are mentally ill and cannot see how interacting sexually with a child is wrong. Experts claim that molesters are emotionally stunted from childhood traumas and unable to relate to adults. Hello!!!

The first alleged, molestation victim had been paid a hefty settlement from Michael Jackson. Michael's behavior with his own children was questionable and eccentric. Also Hello: When a person needs a surgical sedative to simply sleep: We're talking the half passed dead sedatives used to knock people out for surgeries, that's a drug problem! And Hello: How can a person with a drug problem make a responsible parent?

The post-rigamortis media canonization of Michael Jackson as spun by his sleaze bag family, record companies and his father who sold his child away to the Gods of show business was gouache, tacky and fucking tasteless. Remember his father, Joe Jackson's plugging his new record company at Michael's post death press conference? Fucking tacky as the day is long, honey!

Secondly if his whack family really gave a shit about Michael why did they not get him help, counseling and some sort of rehab? The answer is simple. They are tacky people who lived off of their drugged up, emotionally fucked up golden goose. "This is It" is being pushed out as a media event by former concert promoters who lost their investment when Michael was basically overdosed with surgical sedatives. "This is It" is their way of making good on their economic investment by reanimating the corpse of a brilliant but terribly troubled man. Michael was socially maladjusted and emotionally arrested from the traumas of his insane childhood. Michael Jackson was also suffering from substance abuse problems: using anesthesia to get a good night's sleep is a drug problem!

Did you ever talk with people who underwent numerous surgeries? In most cases surgical anesthesia is risky and a delicate process. This is why a special anesthesiologist is hired to sedate a patient before surgeries. I don't know about you, but many people that I've known speak of how the anesthesia messes them up after wards, especially when sedated for hours long procedures. Now just imagine doing that shit every night just to knock your ass out and get some rest. that is Fucked up!

There are legitimate sleep clinics that help people with sleeping disorders like Michael Jackson had. Concert promoters hiring some dicey "doctor feel good" to knock Michael out in order to get a good night's work out of him is some creepy shit! Had Michael Jackson's " loving" family really given a fuck, they would have intervened or hired an intervention specialist to check his ass into a sleep disorder treatment clinic. However, the Jackson family would have to be emotionally and spiritually "all there" to make such an educated call and obviously they are troubled with questionable agendas. The Jacksons and his public relations machine turned his funeral into a colossal media spin, photo op. This greased the wheels for Michael Jackson's postmortem record-merchandising frenzy. It was smart and very calculated making Michael Jackson worth more dead than alive. This is obvious to anyone who is not some fanatic unable to bear to have their hero's legacy questioned, maybe Michael Jackson is all they have?.

Michael Jackson was a race horse being run to death by handlers with agendas to extract every penny that they could from him. Michael Jackson was a a talented, exploited child, adult child and now an exploited corpse. The people around Michael: family, promoters and staff were a bunch of Hos who used him as a golden goose being tweaked to keep laying those golden, mutha fuck'n eggs.

There is nothing loving or considerate about the way Michael Jackson has been handled by those around him including his family.. They encouraged a mentally unstable person to keep generating that cash even if it killed him and it killed him. Michael Jackson's life mirrors the lives of Judy Garland, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. They are all American legends, prisoners of fame, existing as human commodities: slave driven by a demanding, unrelenting management and public. They were slathered in substances, patronized by sycophants surviving off of their tortured existences until they dropped dead, in one drug related way or another. And they all continue to be slaughtered cash cows as their corpses wither to ashes. RIP Michael Jackson, there is hopefully some peace where you, Marilyn, Elvis and Judy are now.

Ms. Rae

Friday, October 23, 2009

Queers Who Play into Right Wing Hate Fodder Part One

Recently Edmund White publicly skewered Gore Vidal in a Salon.com interview. Uneducated quasi literate Americans love a good old, gay-bitch mud fight because they see queers as lowly minstrel shows. Even the most well meaning, queer eye folks out there can be as patronizing as shit when it comes to reinforcing and believing old school queer stereotypes. Maury Povich and Jerry Springer are among the worst recyclers of queer and transgender minstrel. In fact many queer gossip columnist play the old school bitch queen role and keep the old shit a cycling!

Lots of queer media boxes up those GBLT stereotypes that are supposed to be pushed our ways as "queer culture". I'm say'n, it's tired shit and we need healthier and new images. I don't know about you but I'm tired of seeing stereotyped, old school lame assed dyke characters, fey queer boys and transsexual prostitute characters on TV. These stereotypes reflect some real people but so many are Not be represented.

What about healthy unaffected GLBT characters such as a for real, diverse group of people? I Love Sister, Actress LaVerne Cox. Why cast her always as a ho? Of course The Village Voice and New York Press are almost fully supported by ho ads, particularly tranny ho ads. but again they are only one small portion of that population!

Why not cast sister LaVerne Cox as an everyday female, or whre she's a doctor, an everyday woman? If you gonna make her a Ho make her a generic female ho, she does not look in any way shape or form as a "man". Transgender people are more than some genitals, they are human beings with individual characteristics as us African appearing people are more than just a skin tone or complexion.

I saw LaVerne Cox on "Law and Order" and "Bored to Death" Cox dammed bitches! You writing only roles for Miss LaVerne play'n
trans-ho's. Come on ya'll! This ebony beauty is far more talented then some lame assed casting director with myopia putting her in trans only roles. She's a woman be it of trans experience and actors act. A good actor should be able to play any person-gender etc.!!

You see there's an agenda going on here, as long as transgender people are still seen as freaks people, even the less educated gays and lesbians can point and laugh. Making our gay and transgender children punch lines is not liberated, it's fuck'n stupid and shameful! So directors out there get Sister LaVerne some good acting roles playing all kinds of everyday women! Do not turn her into the Amos and Andy show of 2009. Minstrel shows were once a staple of old, African American stereotypes. They evolved into Amos and Andy, 70's,Blaxploitation comedies and nowadays Medea. Though most educated people are in on the joke, the less intelligent cannot distinguish between the empowerment of humor versus being a stereotype and still playing a real life stereotype.

Gore Vidal is an American Legend and mart. Gore has also been apologetically queer, but in a smart way. Edmund White writes about gay experiences from the 50's and very stuck in a 70's post liberation place. White's material always has that ever so slight hard-on, porn-ish touch about his characters. White believes in promiscuity and does not support gay marriage. Promiscuity was encouraged in the post 60's 1970's especially among gay men. Wife swapping was big in some suburban circles, people were trying out their sexual adventure water wings. People were trying to, especially in American break free of old, systemic puritanism by trying lots of new things via sexual exploration. Many in my opinion were attempting to buck the uptight, frigid sexual mores, this was especially true of women and gay men attempting to forge a new and freer sexuality.

Nowadays us young, post liberated people want the right to marry and raise families. We don't buy into the.promiscuity as liberation myth, at least those of us who are educated and have learned the horrors of history. We often see reckless promiscuity as a symptom of self loathing only serving to destroy our capacity to have authentic intimacy. We are conscious to anything that can discredit our rights to marry and raise families. If we act like old school stereotypes we become the reason for uneducated people to see us as legitimately incredible.

Many of us gay women can be promiscuous as well, but at the end of the day promiscuity is the by product (no pun intended) of internal self loathing and sex addiction. Never mind Aids, there are many other nastier STD's, and even with new vaccines, like bedbugs, STD's evolve and become resistant to medications and vaccines, so we all had better pull our collective shit together and realize this truth: If you are sexually active you Must keep practicing safe sex!

Let's be honest, promiscuity and excesses have been the main culprit of a gay holocaust called the Aids epidemic that annihilated a huge chunk of the gay male populations in the 1980's. Most of these men came of age during the 1960's and 70's while unbeknown to themselves, sexually active, particularly anal receptive gay men were getting infected. The silent killer also began claiming the lives of bisexuals, gay, straight, transgender sex workers and hemophiliacs, intravenous drug users worldwide.

Our communities became galvanized to fight Aids and save the lives of the victims. Truthfully, promiscuity and unprotected sex contributed to many deaths. So when old school douche bags like Edmund White praise promiscuity they green light young GB LT and other sexually active people to indulge even more. Sexual and drug addicts, Addiction is an illness and its own deadly disease contributes till today to these infections. The saddest victims were and still are the men and women who were partners of people who had unprotected sex or used i.v. drugs. Most tragic victims historically were the people who received tainted blood transfusions from volunteers doing a good deed by donating blood. Even more tragic are the worldwide children born infected to Aids patients.

The GLBT communities and our allies were and still are united in finding an Aids cure since we hit the mid-late 1980's. Condoms became a reliable stock and product. Trojan commercials began to hit the air. The once humorous concept of bagging it became a smart and educated choice, it still should be and must be!

The most tragic aspect of all of this is along came a 90's cockiness(again no pun intended) of young GLBT folks who decide in spite of themselves to go bag less and prove a point. This evolved into the bug chasers and gift givers. "Gift" givers? Such a "gift" is actually a polite word for assassination! Bug Chasers are in reality mentally disturbed people who are so out of touch with their suicidal wishes. Bug chasers and "gift" givers are demented plain and simple. Anyone who has watched a person die or suffer from this horrible disease would Never endorse such asinine, assassination!

It is time for the GLBT community to grow the fuck up and get really wise! That is it's your own business if you are sexually active and with who. However if you are stupid enough to have unprotected sex with strangers then you are falling into the arms of horrible illness, enslavement to the pharmaceutical companies who view you as a demographic for profits. If you want to be the ho to the big-pharmaceutical, pimp daddy then act the fool and kill and be killed. If you are infected then Be fucking Responsible, get health care and Bag your stuff. Do not assassinate others because you are ill. Also taking care of yourself and not having unprotected sex will keep you healthier in the long run as you won't be mixing up your viral load.

If you cannot behave responsibly then get your fuck'n head checked!

Plain and simple if us Queer folk also known as GBLT's want to be respected we had better start by respecting our selves and teaching the world through example. Education is empowerment. I'd rather be a smart woman going about her business being a part of the world at large then stuck in some mutha fuck'n ghetto.

In the ghetto there are 2 communities and mindsets, One is let's band together and do aF.U.B.U.( for us, by us) protect and pull our collective asses up and out! this is a wise, educated and healthy choice.The Ill-est choice is: Let's shoot up, cut up and fuck ourselves up so fiercely that we stay fuck'n down and let's known down and drop quick anyone daring to be better and make a healthy choice!

In ghetto life we all have to make an executive decision and distance ourselves with the more destructive elements of our communities. If Barack and Michelle OBama tried to keep it real and be all down with the people, especially the more destructive people, they would never be up on the hill where they are as role models. I don't know about you but I'd rather be alive, healthy as possible, educated and fully self supporting in work that brings pride and spiritual fulfillment. So get your head and you ass healthy and empowered. If you messed up pull it together as it's Never too late to begin a good life! If you have never been to hell then pay the negative ways no mind and keep on a walkn'n to heaven: which means education, credibility, self respect and power baby!

Peace Ya'll,

Ms. Rae

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Congratulations to President OBama and Fuck the GOP, Rush and Fakes Noise!

Congratulations to President OBama on his Nobel Peace Prize. The world at large, that is all the other people's and countries who share the planet adore President OBama and see him as a figure of peace and intelligence unlike shit kicker idiots, racists and racist organizations such as Fox Noise and The GOP.

The GOP is the party for wealthy white people and wealthy "white" wannabes. Get real peeps, even dear old Ruppert Murdock who owns Myspace and Fakes Noise is a "conservative" white only propaganda machine. However on myspace you can have a blog and an opinion.

The alleged liberal media gave very little props to President OBama and buried his win. This is an outstanding achievement never before seen by a sitting president. the conservatives behind most media and the news models are disgusting pigs and part of a racist propaganda machine out to smear President OBama and undermine his policies, his intelligence and his efforts to do good.

Meanwhile disgusting creatures of hatred, white supremacists such as Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are given all the air time that the right wingnuts can muster up for them.

Since Rush is now going to be a Miss America judge we should all boycott Miss America pageants. We know he will Cut any woman with progressive views and if she's of any color, she gonna be a whitey wannabe on the inside sort of, of color woman.

Let's call it as it is: The GOP and Conservatives are terrified of an African American man in the White House and they will stop at nothing to destroy him. They will fire up the nuttiest wing of their wingnuts and let the ignorant do their dirty work. Rush Limbaugh should Not be allowed to own any team. He would be living his fantasy of being a white master fighting his bucks. The NFL must intercept this nonsense now!

Peace be With Ya'll,
Ms. Rae