Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chris Matthews Right Wing Tool?

I really try to like Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball, but he always slinks back into being a republican tool.

He really should rename his show Blowhard-ball as he pitches the softest of balls to hard right creeps. It took Chris forever to finally admit that W was as horrible a leader as he was. Chris kept pitching those softballs never the less. Chris is an ass kisser and just as queer for Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan: the same man who named names and sucked McCarthy dick during one of our nation's most shameful eras.

Reagan who could never pronounce the word AIDS, while gays, iv drug users and hemophiliacs were dropping like flies, until shamed by Elizabeth Taylor. Reagan the man that ripped the solar panels off he White house that the visionary Jimmy Carter had installed. Reagan who ushered in the 80's age of corporate greed while closing half way houses and releasing thousands of mentally ill people into the streets, most of whom got off medications and became a tragic part of urban street color. This was especially true in New York City which became a bit of a lunatic asylum. Mayor Ed Koch had forcibly picked up mentally ill homeless people from the streets, park benches, Penn Station, Grand Central Station and Port Authority where many squatted.

So Chris Mathews is an ass kisser. The kind of guy who plays it all safe and knows how to keep a fire burning while dragging out and giving more than plenty of air time to right wing nuts. Chris does not have to worry, he's rich, well paid and has the best health care that any right wing tool can buy. The rest of poor Americans can simply eat cake and die of poor health care.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

GOP, Right Wingnut Lunatic Fringe,They are are some Crazy Mutha-Fukkas!

GOP, Rush Limbaugh,Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin and birthers are the voice of ignorance and racist Americans. They are part of many delusional people who are given a media soap box to stoke the fires of hatred. Just think of Jean Schmidt's insanity and Virginia Foxx who called Mathew Shepherd's torture killing a hoax and not a hate crime.

The right wing is getting nuttier and more absurd, it's like watching a train wreck. They are big on homophobia and racism. They basically serve corporate American and the very rich. Keeping the poor uneducated, stupid and consumers with little empowerment.

How would the civil rights movement have ever happened if lunatics like these people were running things? Even Bobby Jindal took that big check for New Orleans. He's really a white evangelical trapped in what appears to be some East Indian dude's body.

Then we have have Ron Christie who to me seems like a prissy, gay white dude, though he's African American. His snotty defense of all things white and Republican makes me think he suffers internal Xenophobia and homophobia. I want to bitch slap him and say"Grrrrl, drop the shit, you ain't Caucasian but you sure are gay as old Paris"! Joe Watkins has a permanently dazed expression as though he were possessed by the spirit of an old, white supremacist man on a manic-psychotic upswing. Alan Keyes has that same bat shit nuts look, though he's obviously more delusional.

Armstrong Williams also suffers from eternal uncle Tom syndrome. Their jobs are to do anything to propagate all things GOP, designed to protect the complexion of hate, hypocrisy and division. They have sold their souls in doing so, however they are well paid and well insured unlike most Americans and especially most African Americans .

The bottom line here is that the GOP has come out as a party dedicated to stoking the fires of hatred and division. They are encouraging the sentiment that Caucasian men are no longer in the privileged class. The bottom line is that many people cannot believe that there is a very brilliant African American man in the white House. They cannot cope with the browning of America and the inevitable multi-colored and multi-cultural turn of America.

Perpetuating lies and acting stupid is not an American value.


eHarmony, More Like Evangelical-Christian Eugenics

eHarmony, More Like Evangelical-Christian Eugenics Harmony

Apparently many people get rejected from E Harmony. The commercials are curious. One guy whose mom told him to join and he met the love of his life looks as if he's a stalker. His naturally terse, bug eyed look and sour expression make him fall the wrong side of attractive. Every time I watch the commercial I think:" Hmmm, I'll bet in about a year or so we'll hear that guy in assaulting his wife after experiencing obsessive mania. She will then file a court order of protection against him and sue eHarmonony for not giving her a fairytale ending."

It has been brought to my attention that eHarmony Founder is an Evangelical Christian Dr Neil Clark Warren and has ties with the influential religious conservatives was sued and forced to create a gay dating site after excluding gays.

I know a woman who met a very Christian man and got married. They now belong to a church that has lock ins during their Sunday services. The agenda seems to be: if you hook up mostly white, well to do Christians, and throw in some interracial couples who are also devout, you can breed more evangelicals.

There we have Evangelical Harmony. What comes next, using "cured" homosexuals to infiltrate their queer harmony site? This "cure" shit is bogus and we all know so many allegedly "cured" homosexuals revert from born again to becoming Blown Again!


Friday, July 24, 2009

MSNBC and The Media:The Great Transgender Dilemna

MSNBC:The Great Transgender Dilemna

I watch MSNBC a lot and Friday afternoon, July 25, 2009 Texas Oreo Deluxe:News actress Tamron Hall and MSNBC news male spokes-model: David Schuster had a huge laugh at the expense of Oregon's Transgender Mayor Stu Rasmussen. Brenda Sturdevent filed a complaint against the nation's only TG mayor for her choice of clothing as risque and inappropriate. Well Tamron laughed her ass off with Schuster. She mis-identified Mayor Rasmussen, a transgender "man" who's now a woman and as "he" while the fellow MSNBC douchebag: Schuster misidentified Mayor Rasmussen as a transvestite. Oreo-Tamron giggled:"Oh no, he's a woman now and he's transgender" she kept referring to Rasmussen in the wrong pronoun as "he". While the pregnant transgender man was appropriate terminology, Mayor Rasmussen is no longer a man or a he!

Obviously for Tamron coming from Texas, being a very backward state, her reaction is typical as was Schuster's frat boy stupidity. As a dyke activist, I find their unprofessional behavior appalling. However this is what happens when a station gives shows to news actresses and male spokes-models who lack education. Is MSNBC turning into the Howard Stern show or Maury, another mega douche-bag?

I want Every last GBLT person to bitch slap down Tamron Hall and David Schuster, get these bitches educational training. Research shows that the brains of transgender people are wired to identify their internally designated gender as being the opposite gender of their physical bodies. Mayor Rasmussen does not appear the most feminine looking woman, however she's credible enough to have been elected as mayor, let's give this lady some respect! People, we need some education, enlightenment and compassion here. Sister Tamron would not be all too happy if she were mocked with a racially degrading charicature, the way she charicatured Mayor Stu Rasmussen.

While I am at it, the media at large is at fault, this also includes fellow gays in the media! They now have some clout but many could care less about the T groups in the GBLT family. Many gays see transwomen as their court jesters and mascots. The media needs an eye adjustment as to the way that they portray particularly the T group.

The Village Voice's Gay Pride issue was shameful! It had no good coverage of educated transgender issues, it did have a huge whore display in their classifieds. The Voice survives largely on the transgender prostitutes who buy up thousands of dollars in The Village Voice's weekly advertising. If you don't believe me just look at all the tranny prostitutes in their back pages. Figure that each ad must cost about 200.00 bucks, $200.00 here, $200.00 there, it all ads up! It serves such rags to maintain the status quote, it certainly pays them well. Perhaps featuring educated, politically aware transgender women would humanize them beyond being entertaining, funny and easier to exploit?

So the Village Voice portrays 1970's nostalgic style queer-camp as served by antiquated, snarky queen with a typewriter: Musty Michael. Michael Musto is also a semi-regular on MSNBC's Countdown. Musty covers bitchy celebrity periodical shit while tossing in backhanded compliments about silicone tragic, trannys and tranny prostitutes. Musty is highly overrated and gets paid to reinforce antiquated queer stereotypes. Unlike Dan Savage who is actually brilliant, Musty is a safe if not stale choice. Tabloid "journalism" keeps queers permanently lampooned as camp and comical tragedians. And this system of mockery keeps trannys the new bottom rung on the queer ladder with us dykes being on top, sorry boys your second most accepted in the most credible department! Media is afraid of masculine, everyday gay men, though it's beginning to inch some in.

Depicting transgender women as pathetic cartoons is typical. The media loves to confuse all transwomen with drag queens and crossdressers. In fact the least educated transwomen are confused how to identify themselves, even when they are completely female identified. Though transexuals, drag queens, crossdressers and gender ambivalent people are all considered transgender: (a political umbrella term). But with sea creatures: sponges, sharks and jelly fish, all are separate sea life forms. Politically convenient as one unifying term is, many lay-people cannot distinguish these variations within the transgender realm.

There's a much different life situation happening between a transexual, a drag queen and a straight crossdresser. All transgender women are not workin it for a laugh, but apparently the media is fond of this notion. Professor Jennifer Linney Boylan and Dr. Marci Bowers are no Amanda Lepore though Amanda makes for lurid tabloid fodder, it's time for a change of focus!

The media had better get its collective shit together and show some Respect. Until then Razoretta says "Let's give those media bitches hell!" Email, call and tell MSNBC to have Tamron Hall and David Schuster apologize for how they mocked Mayor Rasmussen. Go to Also contact all GBLT organizations about sensitivity training to get Tamron, David and MSNBC educated.
