Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Right Wingnut Hall of Shame so Far!

Current mood:Reading Some Beads!
Category: News and Politics
Rush Limbuagh: He a bloated sack of nastiness and racist rhetoric! He promotes evil and hatred and fires up the ignorant to come to Town Halls with guns and pray for President Obama's death and failure if nothing else. He's a drugster and a vicoden freak who got off easy for his drug abuse.

Bill O'Reilly:
The nasty shanty Irish, Long Island tyrant and NY Post hack, In reality racist freak who hates our Black President and all people of color and gays. Earth to Bill: Not everyone in America is an uptight Catholic! There are some cool Catholics who live in the year 2009! And Not everyone is a nasty, evil man!

Michael Steele: This RNC chair person is trying to phone in a Hip Hop touch. In reality this Internally Xenophobic GOP house negro is showing his Jackass Flats street in-cred. He's a flop and unless you are a fukkin imbecile you can see through his oreo bitch "soft shoe shine'in'n fo his yes Sir, massa Sir's".

Gretchen Carlson: (One Crazy Kunt of a beauty contest winner who's a real loser)

Sean Hannity: A hack from the New York Post propaganda machine. He is insane and will make up propaganda as he goes on. He's an overblown, overpaid tart like all Fakes News spokesmodels and psuedo "journalists".

Glen Beck: He is a racist nut! He will conjure all sorts of paranoia and red fear as though he were living in McCarthy era America 1950's. Beck is trying to channel the spirit of Senator Joe McCarthy. hopefully he'll go down in shame as did Joe the old, evil fuck!

Michelle Bachman (One Paranoid Kunt) The spokeswoman for "white americans wishing that segregation were still in effect"

Michelle Malkin: (Another Crazy Kunt) She look like the psycho doll outta that 1969? Night Gallery episode with Karen Black called "Trilogy of Terror" involving a little troll doll that came to life. Scared the shit out of me though I was born way later on (Ms. Rae not even a concept back when), saw DVD. You can still see this on You Tube.

Tucker Carlson: A bow tied douchebag with a snotty, foppish prep gay-ish, school touch. He put on the bow tie as a trademark and will lie any which way to give cred to creepy Ree-puke-lickins.

Ron Christie: One feather droppin, snotty, Mutha Fukka, queen assed, Gay As Old Paris, wishin he was a "straight" white conservative closet case like Larry Craig)

Joe Watson: Another Whack, Internally Xenophobic, internal old white racist. He bat shit insane! Got that off his meds look..Will lie for anything his GOP massas want him to!

Larry Craig: whose closeted, hypocritical, gay asshole is so wide (the size of Madison Square Garden) he got a wide stance!

Joe Scarborough: some call him "Killer Joe" when his ex intern turned up dead and it all got buried http://www.americanpolitics.com/20010808Klausutis.html

Now he's called "Morning Joe". He has that southern Frat boy sex appeal, but for girls of color it's dangerous! He's a douche obsessed with Starbucks. He's lacky: the icy Mika Brazinski adds to Joe's creep factor. I call him "Joe Blows"!

Cindy Adams: An ass, faced crack'n old bitch, another NY Post hack, overrated for being a nasty, cunty, evil person called a gossip columnist. Gossip a polite word for assassin. She evil as a bad, old school witch (not religious witch) can be!

Kate O’Beirne: The crack'n old face of Republican White women who are anti-feminist freaks. This rich white bitch would have always been able to get an abortion on the down low and Lied about it! She's got the best insurance and is all about keep'n rich white bitches in the cat bird seat. She was one of the first to crucify President Bill Clinton when a fat girl blew him. Kate does not want former President Bush or his administration investigated because it's the past, let bygones be bygones when it involves a Republican. But if you are a Black Democratic President Beware. The O'Beirne, lace curtain Irish Reep will nail you to a cross. That Catholic thing again. She's no doubt a homophobic freak who feels justified to hate because it's in her "religion". God help save her hater ass!

Right wingnut Joe Watkins of MSNBC Aint Ever Gonna Be White

Conservatives and Right Wingnuts are acting very un-American. They are acting like fascists accusing good people like President OBama, of being socialists and communists, Conservative-Right Wingnuts are manufacturing controversies where they do not exist. They are making America look like a laughing stock, nation struggling within because of their of insane faction of dangerous stooges. To the world at large Right Wingnuts appear like a psychopaths attempting to gain control of Americas powers. They are scary!

Joe Watkins is a Nut! Joe Watkins is a Psycho in the delusional tradition of Alan Keyes, the bat shit nuts man who ran against President OBama in a senate race! Not only was Alan Keyes bat shit nuts, he did not even live in Illinois. Conservatives and Right Wingnuts like Joe Watkins MSNBC are acting like Blood Thirsty FASCIST Nuts! Reality is they Hate President Obama Because He's BLACK!

Our President gave an emotionally lifting and inspiring speech to school children encouraging them to remain in school and Right Wingnuts are calling him a socialist, communist and afraid of their children listening to his speech. They should all be ashamed how insane they are behaving.

Watching Joe Watkins on Dr. Nancy was like observing a person having a psychotic-paranoid meltdown. He will do and claim anything to create a controversy where none exist. Joe Watkins is a man with internal xenophobia. He's a nasty, racist white man trapped in the body of a African American man just like Alan Keyes and Ron Christie. These men have never gotten over that being a "White Conservative Do-Boy" Ain't Ever Gonna Make you White!

It is all about race. The Right Wing Agenda destroying and mislabeling everything good that President OBama does in order to tear down his presidency, smear and demonize him no matter how lowly and psychotic that they have to go. Right Wingnuts are all pulling all paranoid-propaganda rabbits out of their asses, They are calling fire in crowded theaters, rousing fear in the ignorant and uneducated. They are opportunistic sadists,taking advantage of a horrid economy and wreckage that the George W. Bush Administration left for President OBama. They are the epitome of irresponsibility, denial and lie mongering.

Just like Conservative (make pretend Indie-Dem) Sen Joe Lieberman is doing his "Be afraid, be Very Afraid". Joe Watkins, Fox News models and Conservative Right Wingnuts are fear mongering and manufacturing all sorts of paranoia especially among the most ignorant and uneducated, small town white Americans. This is sad! This is very unAmerican!

Fox News has been the great harbinger of misinformation. It is not news, it is Conservative fairy tales (more like horror stories) manufacture to stir up artificial controversy. This makes people like Joe Watkins artificial. His face is so twisted, he looks like he's beginning to have difficulties with his medications. Anyone with half a brain can see this man is Insane! The propaganda and red hysteria going down with Right Wingnuts has not been seen since Senator Joe McCarthy, one of America's most insane and shameful historic, periods.

American Conservatives: Get your asses out of your heads, get a grip and get your asses Medicated! You are in deep shit and truly dangerous to yourselves and the American people! Conservatives and Right Wing Nuts your psycho talk and paranoia is dangerous and unacceptable!

Peace (as ironic as this sign off sounds),

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gratitude for Labor Day its True Meaning! Unions Rule!

For most of us, Labor Day means backyard barbecues, weekend sales, and at last carefree day before school starts. But the laid-back holiday has some seriously sad history, including chaos, riots, and even
death. Let us explain.

A tragic tale, Back in the days of the Industrial Revolution, workers were expected to put in 12-hour days, seven days a week (yes, including kids).

Already sounds awful, right? It gets worse. In Pullman, Illinois, a company town that employed and housed workers to build posh railway cars, times had gotten tough. In response, George Pullman cut jobs and wages. It was 1893. Thousands of workers walked off their jobs in protest, demanding higher salaries and lower rents. Other unions joined, refusing to work the Pullman cars, turning the small-town
fracas into a national fury.

With mail cars backing up, and riots worrying train execs, President Grover Cleveland stepped in. He declared the strike illegal and sent
12,000 troops to break the strike. Cue brutal protests and bloodshed. The strike was broken, but so was the spirit of the workers. To reach out to the labor movement, Congress rushed the national holiday into
law. The bad will resulted in Cleveland losing re-election. But the day off for hot dogs endures.

What also endures are proper work shifts: a 40 hr work week, workers rights, disability, OSHA and
if a worker is injured on the job, their employer must cover their medical bills.

Also irresponsible employers who knowingly
endanger their workers are held accountable. Children are not allowed to be hired and certain regulations that protect workers from slave labor
are in place. Plus a minimum wage is now in place, paid l;eaves, social security and all worker rights. Even non union members owe something to
America's Labor movement.

Without Unions workers injured on their jobs have no recourse. Slave shops would be operating with inhumane work environments. Let us never forget
The Triangle Shift Company fire. The Triangle Shirt Employees were not unionized. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire.

Keep in mind when companies moved offshore or hire non union workers they Do Not have to abide by Union Responsibilities. Off shore companies can run slave labor work places in order to profit from working people to death.

If you value your worker rights then you had better reacquaint your self with the meaning of Labor Day and of workers rights and employer responsibilities
to their workers. Educate your self and remain informed. When is it?

Labor Day falls on the first Monday of September. This year, that would be Monday, September 7. According to the Department of Labor, Congress passed an act in 1894 making the first Monday in September of
each year a legal holiday.

Be grateful greedy companies can no longer work you or your children to death for their profits. They also must own any ways in which they jeopardize your health by running hazardous work situations. People with selective amnesia wake the F@#k Up! Uneducated people learn to read and get educated about your workers rights! So, working people everywhere, say it now, with feeling: Happy Labor Day.